Solar Eclipse 2024

What is a solar eclipse?
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the earth and the sun, obscuring the image of the sun for a viewer on earth. A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon's apparent diameter is larger than the sun's, blocking all direct sunlight and turning day into darkness. Totality only occurs in a narrow path across the earth's surface, with a partial solar eclipse visible over the surrounding region. A solar eclipse only happens during a new moon. During the eclipse, it will look and feel like nighttime, with bright stars visible in the sky and a black moon rimmed by flares of the sun.

This is an incredible event, as this is the second total solar eclipse for southern Illinois in seven years, the previous one having occurred in 2017. Any given spot on earth only sees an eclipse of the sun about once every 360 years. The next one to happen in Illinois will be in 2099. Meanwhile, the 2017 total solar eclipse was the first on the Continental United States in 38 years, and, after the 2024 eclipse, there will not be another until 2045 and 2073.

The partial solar eclipse on April 8 at CGIF 2024
Here in Champaign, Illinois, the eclipse will be visible (weather permitting) on April 8, 2024, the first day of our CGIF meeting, although it will not be a total eclipse, as we are north of the center line passing through southern Illinois.

The partial eclipse here in Urbana-Champaign will peak at 2:05 p.m., with a duration of about 4 minutes and magnitude of 97.9% of the sun's surface shadowed by the moon, although the full eclipse will last about 3 hours.

Always remember the rule of using eye protection during a solar eclipse! We will provide a pair of solar eclipse viewing glasses with your registration. In addition, we will take a break from meeting presentations to view the eclipse and hear from an expert on the phenomenon!

1800 S. Oak Street, Suite 100
Champaign, Illinois 61820-6974
Phone: (217) 356-3182
Fax: (217) 398-4119